Identifying an Adult Carer

A carer is someone who, without payment, provides support to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour who could not manage without their help. This could be due to age, physical or mental illness, addiction or disability. 

One in eight adults are carers and 3 in 5 people will be carers at some point in their lives. The vast majority of care in the UK is provided by family and friends, who make up the UK’s carer population. Social services and the NHS rely on carers’ willingness and ability to provide care and without it they would collapse. 

Carers save the economy £132 billion per year, an average of £19,336 per carer. 

Carers can help the person they care for in many ways including: 

  • providing practical help such as preparing meals, doing laundry or shopping 
  • keeping an eye on the person to keep them safe 
  • keeping them company 
  • taking them out socially  
  • helping with financial matters  
  • helping to deal with care services and benefits 
  • helping the person to self-care and noticing symptoms that might indicate a deterioration in health 
  • attending hospital appointments 
  • administering medication 
  • helping with personal care  
  • providing physical help 

The 2011 Census identified 22,208 adult carers in North Tyneside. The Census highlighted a 19% increase in the number of people who are caring for more than 20 hours; the point at which caring starts to significantly impact on a carer’s health and wellbeing and their ability to have a life alongside caring. 

The impact of caring on carers 

  • Caring for someone can be very rewarding, but it can also cause a lot of stress. 
  • Carers often have feelings of guilt, frustration, anger. 
  • Carers often neglect their own needs. 
  • Carers have worse mental and physical health then people who do not have caring responsibilities. 
  • Changes in personal relationships can be difficult to cope with. 
  • Carer’s self-esteem and confidence can suffer. 
  • Carers often have to give up employment or reduce their hours which impacts on them financially. 
  • Carers often become isolated as a result of their caring responsibilities. 

 Support that professionals can provide to reduce the impact of caring 

  • Identify carers who do not recognise themselves as carers. 
  • Ask carers how they are managing and listen to what they have to say. 
  • Recognise carers expert partners in care. 
  • Provide information about the condition of the person they care for and support services in a timely manner. 
  • Make carers aware of their rights and what they are entitled to. 
  • Advise carers how to access support and services. 
  • Refer to North Tyneside Carers’ Centre on 0191 2496480 to access a range of preventative services. 
  • Ask carers if they are able and willing to care and consider whether the caring role is sustainable? 
  • Refer for a statutory carers assessment to North Tyneside Council 0191 643 2777 or to North Tyneside Carers’ Centre on 0191 249 6480.

North Tyneside Carers’ Centre provides traning sessions for professionals to help them support carers. Here is the 2025 programme.

For more information, please contact our advice line at (0191) 643 2298 or email us at

Referral Criteria

Young Carers Referral Form

Young Carers Link Worker