Young Carers Forum

We facilitate a Young Carers Forum, which is held monthly. This is an opportunity for young carers to have a say in how things are run at North Tyneside Carers’ Centre and to have their voices heard. The forum are able to influence decision making about services for young carers at the Centre and are able to represent young carers views regionally. Important decision makers from schools, local organisations and our board of trustees are regularly invited to youth forum meetings allowing young carers to have their say.

Young Carers Forum members have explained in their own words what it means to be part of the forum:

“North Tyneside Carers’ Centre run a Young Carers Forum that represents young carers across North Tyneside. Any young carer who is registered with North Tyneside Carers’ Centre and is aged 11 – 18 is welcome to become a member. Young Carers Forum is about making other young carers feel as though their voice is heard in the community and North Tyneside Carers’ Centre. We make sure that young carers are all heard and when young carers attend the forum they will feel listened to. Without judgement, we are able to discuss issues that concern us, so that we can work together to make North Tyneside a better place for young carers. This makes young carers feel valued which is what we, as a forum, pride ourselves on.”

Things we have done

When there are job vacancies at the Carers Centre, we invite the Young Carers Forum to sit on interview panels to help us recruit the right candidate to work with children and young people.

Breaks and Activities is an important part of our service offering young carers a much needed break from their caring role. Young Carers Forum keep Breaks and Activities as a main talking point on their agenda, so they can feedback what they’ve enjoyed, what has worked well and things they would like to be done differently.

The ultimate aim is to raise awareness of the issues young carers face, whether you want to campaign, produce podcasts, make videos or speak to decision makers. Young Carers Forum is your platform to be heard.

Young Carers Forum are often invited to conferences and events to represent young carers and the Carers’ Centre around the region.

Young Carers Forum often get opportunities for public speaking and to tell their story.  Young Carers Forum have spoken at North Tyneside Council’s Head Teachers Conference and at the Carers Week Conference.

They also produce podcasts where they interviewed key decision makers.

Youth Forum offered feedback and suggestions about the redesign of the Young Carers needs Assessments. They were listened to, and the Needs Assessment questions were reduced, alongside changing some of the wording to make them more accessible to young carers.

Every young carer in North Tyneside is entitled to a assessment which should be reviewed by your school every six months.

Young Carers Forum also designed the Young Carers Survey which is sent out to young carers registered with us every year. The survey helps to identify key priorities for young carers over the coming year. Young Carers Forum presented the results of the survey to Director of Children and Adult Services at North Tyneside Council, Jacqui Old.

It’s not all about hard work! Youth forum often enjoy trips and activity days, so they can get to know each other and take part in team building.

If you would like to join the Young Carers’ Forum please speak to a member of the young carers’ team.